With the animal kingdom crumbling at a rapid rate, where will the fashion industry draw its inspiration for new, fresh designs. Melting ice, spreading deserts and deforestation will wipe out habitats. Changes are happening too quickly for the species to be able to adapt. As animals become extict, the colour and prints will become a thing of the past. What remains? Their remains. Fashion will latch onto the bones of the animal kingdom.
People will have come to terms with the transition as it is all part of evolution.
Like the butterfly, the skeleton will be worn on the outside, creating a structured body. This is known as an exoskeleton and can act as protection against predators. Humans have used artificial exoskeletons for centuries as armour during battle. Fabric will be draped in ways to mimic the rib cage. Designs will be harsh, as an intention to evoke the emotions of the loss of the animals. The colour pallette will be muted and monochrome. Each animal will have lost their spots or stripes, and will all appear similar to the naked eye. Therefore feminine curves will not be enhanced, and a more androgynous look will be appealing, as a skeleton does not differ depending on gender.
Innovators will aim to enhance the internal skeleton too, taking extreme action such as facial implants or using prosthetics to make the bones protrude. This will only be adopted for those who really want to push the trend to the limits as such body modifications are dangerous. For those who choose not to be so bold will use makeup to enhance their features. Focus will be on the cheekbones and jaw line areas. The desirable skin tone will be pale and eye sockets shaded darkly, reminiscent of a zombie.

Body modifications were first worn by tribes. Disfigurements included stretched necks, elongated ears, sharpened teeth and lip plates.
One jewellery trend will be an extention of the exoskeleton trend. Pieces with lots of components will resemble bones. Other jewellery will act as a cage around the body. Symbolising the captivity that the remaining animals find themselves in. Pieces will be restrictive and large. The jewellery will divert from what used to be natural and free, and support the new ideologies.

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